Keep Hanging In...
But do it for You!

Can you relate to this? For days (weeks, maybe?), you were up with the rooster and still going strong when others were chilling. Meanwhile, minimal claps, cheers, and/or glad cries seemed to come your way...if any. And possibly you wondered if even a Geiger counter would detect any interest in what you were doing?

            So, what's up with That?

I'm guessing that a lot of us have experienced variations on this theme. Which may now and then be painful, because even if we have little need/desire for attention, support, and/or kudos, at least a shred of external enthusiasm might feel good occasionally, right?

Still, you've likely noted over time that tepid or zero "outside" interest may sometimes have little to do with you personally or with your circumstances of the moment. For example, people may be pursuing big goals themselves...or perhaps are worried or frightened, unhappy, overwhelmed, and/or ill. Any of those might keep someone (or even several "someones") from leaping onto the wagons of another and cheering wildly. BUTas you cut those folks a break, do keep hanging in yourself.

   Begrudgers or ...?

Others, however, may be a rather different story. Some could feel uncomfortable if you begin to shift even slightly from your customary role(s), or if they think you’re somehow pulling "closer to" or “ahead of" them. So, they might question what you're doing or trash you in other ways...such as saying or doing things meant to dampen your enthusiasm for a new goal or path or simply ignoring your "outputs" and personal triumphs.

If you do hang out now and then with competitive people or those with self-esteem issues, grinching tendencies, a jealousy habit, etc., perhaps you might ponder sharing your goals and dreams less generously with them? That way, affected boredom, discouraging comments, and/or other tedious and transparent displays spend more time in the rear-view window than in your face.

I like that positioning myself, because how many of us actually
care about the pitfalls or even pratfalls others
profess to see looming ahead? And do we care, either, that they/friends of theirs have allegedly done whatever we’re engaged in and maybe more than once? (Easy answers at this end, but your own belong to you.)

Votes From the Cheering-Section

At least two big ones: the first, that we alland you, specificallykeep going for the goal, the dream, the imperative. During that journey, wherever it leads, you could encounter some wonderful "stuff." The second? Should begrudgers, grinches, jerks, and/or nice-but-preoccupied people need some encouraging words themselves, we'll share more generously with them than they sometimes manage with us. 

Do the first three specimens warrant such consideration? From an eye-for-an-eye perspective, we could argue that they do not. But each time we extend a helping hand or some thoughtful and/or encouraging words to person or beast, we create positive ripples. Since our own karma no doubt benefits as well, we'll have created a double-win simply with some considerate behavior. Great work, people!

In the meantime, just as well keep right on truckin'. And perhaps also bear in mind the advice of philosopher Rumi, who suggests that when undertaking a journey, we neither seek nor give undue weight to directions from those who may never have left home. But that'll be up to you, Tiger.  ;-)

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If you choose to explore this site, please understand three things: (a) I am neither therapist nor professional coach; (b) my focus here is primarily aging women; (c) no comments are intended to disparage any women (or men) whose immediate choices may range from limited to nonexistent. To them (or anyone, really), I mean no offense with my remarks.

Copyright 2014-2025. Lynda Edwards. All rights reserved.